Sunday, March 27, 2011

Tips to remove Fluid in Ear | Water in Ear

Tips to Remove Fluid in Ear

  • Warm up a dry towel in a mirco wave or in an oven and place it over your ear, best lying on the ear itself, as if there is Fluids in ear, it might run out this way, The warmth gives immidiate relief if already painful.

  • You might also want to use a hair drier, do not hold it too close to the ear and do not point it directly in the ear, sway it back and forth, an arm away from the ear. This might help dry the , and water in ear no harm will be done if the water is clean, free of bacteria. 
That is why we recommend AQUA EAR for your ear protection

Fluid in ear | Fluids in ear | Fluid in ears

Ear Wax Protecs From Water and Fluid in Ears

Unlike water borne mammals like dolphins ,seals and whales, the human body is not designed to be in water for extended periods of time.
Fluid in ear, especially during swimming and water sports, is a major factor contributing to inflammations and subsequent infection of the external ear canal. eg. swimmers ear
Earwax, sticky stuff that it is, traps anything
foreign that flies, crawls, or is blown into the ear canal.
Amounts of Bottles

Dirt, tiny bits of plant material, small
insects and bacteria are immobilized by earwax. The
primary purpose of earwax is to protect your ear canal and ear drum from water and other such foreign

The skin that lines the ear canal is very delicate
and can easily be damaged. Even the simple function
of using a cotton bud to "clean" the ear canal, or
  scratching the ear canal with a match stick or the car
keys or even a finger can leave it susceptible to
ear infections in children and adults.

Aqua Ear Drops For Swimmers Ear

Multiple phase action works to:
  • Seal the skin of the Ear canal with an invisible barier, against the harmfull effects of water
  • Help provide some of the protective functions of earwax.
  • Protection against water borne bacteria, and contains Tea Tree Oil with natural anti bacterial and anti fungal properties

How does Aqua Ear Work for Swimmers Ear?

This unique action helps protect the outer canal of the Ear.
The example seen shows a Litmus piece of paper,
Left:not treated with Aqua Ear drops, you can clearly see that the water
has penetrated throw, if the water was polluted this would be the
begining of a baterial infection or fungus, leading to an ear infections
Most product that protect the ears from water irritation are not effectively water proof.

Right: Has been treated with Aqua Ear drops, as you can
see the water  remains contained on impenetrable barrier.
Aqua Ear creates an almost impenetrable barrier to water.
Giving long lasting antibacterial protection to the sensitive
 Ear canal against Swimmers ear Water in ear and Fluids in ear Ear Infections in Children and Adults, and Ear Infections in Children


Swimmers ear | Swimmers Ears

Fish dont have ears -
protect your ears from water

This Unique combinatioon of ingredients developed by the leaders in flouropolymers is a world first, (worldwide patent pending) it is alcohol-free and natural solution to water related ear problems, especially

"Swimmers ear".


Swimmers ear is inflammation, irritation, or infection of the outer ear and ear canal.
The medical term for swimmers ear is otitis externa.
Swimmers ear may be acute or chronic.

Alternative Names
Ear infection - outer ear - acute; Otitis externa - acute; Chronic swimmer's ear;
Otitis externa - chronic; Ear infection - outer ear - chronic

Protect yourselp and your family from Swimmers ear. Read our tips on earache remedies
Swimmers Ears
If the ear Canal are narrower than normal, the water can not drain out as effectively,
causing water in the ear.

Children's ears have a deeper inward canal and as they grow older the canal straightens
out allowing the water in ear to drain out better. This is one of the causes that lead to many
problems that children and babies with ear related problems.

Some of the known causes that lead to swimmers ear include:

• Contaminated water facilitates fungi or bacteria to the ear canal.

• Cleaning the ears using sharp fingernails, cotton buds or other objects may cause a tear in delicate tissues of the ear canal which could lead to infection.

• Hairsprays, shampoos, hair dyes and other chemical irritants may make way inside the ear canal and cause irritation.

• Middle ear infection can trigger an infection or inflammation in the ear canal.

• Diabetes could make earwax too alkaline inviting bacteria and other infections.

• Folliculitis or an infected hair follicle within the ear canal can trigger a infection in the ear.

• If the ear canals are narrower than normal, the water can't drain as effectively causing water retention in the ear.

• Swimming, bathing or living in a moist environment also causes moisture in the ear.

• Exposure to any infectious organism from swimming in polluted water is another known cause of swimmers ear.



Amounts of Bottles